How to Turn on Spell Check in a Browser

Spell checker is a software feature that checks for misspellings in a text. Depending on the browsers, you may need to change some settings to enable or customize spell check.

Chrome Browser

  1. Open the menu and choose Settings.
  2. On the settings screen type "language" in the search box to locate the language settings.
  3. Choose the Basic spell check or Enhanced spell check option.
  4. Add new languages if needed.

Firefox Browser

  1. Open the menu and choose Options.
  2. Scroll to the Language section.
  3. Select Check my spelling as you type.

Safari Browser

Safari does not have Spell Checking turned on by default.

  1. Open the Edit menu and click on Spelling and Grammar.
  2. Choose the Check Spelling While Typing and/or Check Grammar with Spelling options.

Microsoft Edge Browser

  1. Press Windows Key + I and click on Devices.
  2. Click on Typing and turn on the Autocorrect misspelled words and Highlight misspelled words options.

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