
3 Crucial Ways a Survey Improve your Wellness Business (PLUS 7 Questions you MUST include)

In the wellness industry, it's important to know what your client wants. This is why surveys are a great way for you to make sure that the services and products you provide best suit their needs. A survey isn't just an opportunity for feedback; it can also be used as a marketing tool. In this article we will explore ways in which surveys can help improve your wellness business and how they can be used strategically in order to meet or exceed client  expectations.

How surveys can help improve your wellness business

Surveys are a communication tool used to collect information from a group of people about a certain topic. Since wellness businesses cater to a variety of clients with an equal amount of motivators, gaining insight and feedback from them is crucial.

If you have a wellness business, or are considering starting one, how do you know what your clients want? How can you make sure that the services and products you offer are valuable to them?

Surveys help you determine exactly what your clients need from their experience with your organization so that they leave feeling fulfilled and satisfied.

We've put together 3 crucial ways in which surveys benefit wellness businesses of all sizes, including yours!

1. Surveys are the best tool for feedback

Surveying your clients an help uncover ways to better help them meet their goals, like training for a race, improving their heart health, or toning up with low-impact exercises. Members in wellness groups come in many forms, and may want different courses to achieve their goals. For example, members in a wellness group looking to improve their heart health may want:

1) Weight loss

2) Bi-weekly personal training sessions / diet consultation

3) Health cooking courses or education

4) Meditation classes or stress management

2. Gain insight into why members cancel

Memberships in wellness groups are generally for a set period of time, and there will always be members that will cancel. Surveys can be used to get feedback on why they no longer want to be a member. Perhaps they disagree with your policies, or they have found something else that works better for them, such as a specific class elsewhere. Once you know their specific reason for canceling, you can address the issue to prevent it from happening again by providing the stated service/product, creating policy changes, or offering them alternatives.

Keep in mind, that client retention costs less than acquiring a new one.

3. Increase market share

If you are tired of getting lost in the crowd, your competitors are beating you to market on services or products or your sales are dropping every quarter, a survey can be your solution. Imagine having a marketing strategy that is based on what customers want, not just what you think they should have.

When you provide a survey to your clients, it will give your business an understanding of how people feel about your product or service. The answers on your survey can help you develop strategies to increase market share.

How to create an effective survey for your wellness business

In order to create an effective survey, you will need to come up with a topic or question that is thought provoking, precise, and clear. You will also want to make sure it is about a sensitive subject, but not too personal. Some examples of a good way to start off a survey could be:

1) What feedback would you like to provide?

2) How was your experience with our service/product?

3) Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

You will want to prioritize questions that are most important to your business and the client.

A survey could also cover questions such as:

4) What are your goals?

5) What are your struggles?

6) What was your reason for seeking out our wellness group?

7) When would you like service to start?

When members have a chance to voice their feedback you will be able to uncover motivations that will help you serve your clients better.

Uncovering critical data from your clients such as marathons they are training for, specific weight loss goals or even social motivations will be one of your major goals. Perhaps your clients are looking to connect with like-minded friends that also enjoy dance classes or cycling workouts or even meditation.

Surveys can be used to glean information about to improve your wellness business and ultimately improve wellness throughout your community.

A high quality, comprehensive questionnaire will give you valuable insight into the needs and wants of your customers. After taking this initial step in understanding what motivates people to do business with you, make sure to invest the time in measuring how satisfied they are after their purchase or service experience. These two steps alone can help better align your marketing strategy and customer satisfaction rate for greater success!

If you want more information about these tips or need guidance with incorporating them into your own wellness business, please take a look here

About the author:

Becca Niederkrom is a content writer and social media manager who lives in Dallas with her husband and 2 Great Danes.

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