Retain your best employees
Your most important face to the customer. Periodically measure satisfaction levels.
Gauge the workplace environment. Boost productivity.
Show collage of employees in a retail and office telemarketing environment
Listen to your people

Pre-hire/Recruiting Period

Be sure to recruit the best talent via an embedded website survey on your “Careers” page or questionnaire during the job application process. Alongside the resume, the survey responses will provide the necessary information to determine whether the individual is a good fit into your work culture.
Show the interviewee sitting across from a manager

Onboarding Employees

Ensure the orientation process is an efficient and effective one for you and the employee. Verify your onboarding integration plan is valuable by collecting feedback at its conclusion. Use these insights to improve the process for future employees.
Show 1-2 questions from such a survey

Employee Training

All employees, at one time or another, will require a training session. Don’t neglect to collect feedback about the training and then leverage this data to improve it. Evaluate all employees promptly at the end of each session while the training course is still fresh in their minds.
Show a classroom setting that could pass for an employee training session.

Continual Employee Engagement

Stay on top of any potential employee issues by routinely surveying your workforce on a quarterly or semiannual basis. Ask for input on satisfaction levels concerning their job and benefits, ideas on how to improve the company’s culture.
Show Likert Scale or NPS on mobile phone for employee survey

Employee Exit Surveys

Better understand the reasons behind the departure of exceptional employees. Conduct exit interview surveys and use the information gathered to address outstanding issues within the organization to improve employee retention.
Show people using a rotating door alongside an image of a critical question from the exit survey
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